What’s The Word About Dogs and CBD

Understanding CBD for Your Dog

CBD is getting a lot of buzz for good reasons in the health world. But, it also raises a bunch of questions.

Are you curious about CBD for your dog? You might wonder what it is, how it works, if it’s safe, and if it really works. Finding answers to these big questions about CBD can show you how it might make your dog’s life better and happier.

Let’s dive into CBD, explore its uses, and see why it could be a great choice for your furry friend!

What is CBD?

First off, what is CBD, and where does it come from?

CBD stands for “cannabidiol.” It’s a natural part of the cannabis plant.

There are two types of cannabis plants: marijuana and hemp. They differ in their THC content. THC is what makes marijuana famous for its “high.” Marijuana has a lot of THC. Hemp has very little, no more than 0.3%. CBD for dogs comes from the hemp plant.

Is CBD Legal?

Yes, CBD products from hemp are legal everywhere in the U.S. So, you won’t have trouble finding them.

Will CBD Make Your Dog High?

CBD from hemp has very little THC, so it won’t make your dog high. Plus, it’s not addictive. Your dog can enjoy its benefits without any worries.

How Does CBD Work?

CBD works with the body’s endocannabinoid system. Think of this system like the body’s management team for appetite, sleep, pain, and mood.

Both humans and dogs have this system. Its job is to keep everything in balance.

The endocannabinoid system has receptors all over the body. CBD interacts with these receptors, helping to keep the body in balance.

How Can CBD Help My Dog?

Let’s look at the ways CBD can help your dog:

  • Mobility: CBD can help older dogs feel more lively, supporting healthy joints and flexibility.
  • Pain: If your dog hides pain, CBD might help. It supports a normal inflammatory response, helping with soreness and stiffness.
  • Stress: Dogs get stressed too. CBD has a calming effect that can help them relax.
  • Wellness: Like vitamins for us, CBD can support your dog’s immune system and overall health.

Is CBD Safe for Pets?

CBD from hemp is safe for dogs. But, products from the marijuana plant are not because they have too much THC.

Side effects are rare but watch for dry mouth, sleepiness, low blood pressure, or diarrhea. Always start with a small dose and watch how your dog reacts.

What CBD Products Are There for Dogs?

  • CBD Oils: Easy to measure and give, either directly or in food.
  • CBD Bites and Chews: Tasty treats that make giving CBD easy.
  • CBD Topicals: Good for the skin and can be applied directly.

CBD is a helpful, safe option for your dog’s health. With the right product, you can help your dog live a happier, healthier life.